
Chinese Navy

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ASBM Defense Isn’t Easy

Why defending against China’s much talked about DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile is no easy task.

ASBM Defense Isn’t Easy

Why defending against China’s much talked about DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile is no easy task.

Yes, China Could Have a Global Navy

Yes, China Could Have a Global Navy

The idea that Chinese strategists are too limited in their thinking to have a world-straddling navy is misplaced, argues James Holmes.

What Makes China "Mahanian"?

The work of Alfred Thayer Mahan offers some useful insights into China. But the PLA will still go its own way.

Phantom Incident Dangers

Phantom Incident Dangers

A supposed naval encounter between China and India likely never happened. It may be dangerous assuming it did.

India, China Navies Face-Off

India, China Navies Face-Off

Reports an Indian naval vessel was challenged by China in the South China Sea is likely to further raise tensions.

The Pentagon on China

The Pentagon on China

The Pentagon issues its annual report on China’s military, with a focus on the country’s navy and cyber warfare.

Decoding China’s Aircraft Carrier

Decoding China’s Aircraft Carrier

There’s been much speculation about the implications of China’s first aircraft carrier. The Diplomat answers some of the key questions.

China's Realizes Carrier Dream

China's Realizes Carrier Dream

The launch of China’s new aircraft carrier is a milestone for the country’s navy. But it’s of limited military utility.

China’s Two-Pronged Maritime Rise

China’s Two-Pronged Maritime Rise

China is following a two-prong strategy with its impressive maritime build-up. The West is making a mistake if it underestimates the implications.

Chinese Navy Drone Spotted

Chinese Navy Drone Spotted

Japan’s Defence Ministry reports the sighting of a previously unseem drone launched by the Chinese Navy.

China’s J-15 No Game Changer

China’s J-15 No Game Changer

The Chinese military’s J-15 Flying Shark fighter is no great leap forward. Still, it suggests blue-water ambitions.

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