Chinese politics

Welcome to Xi Jinping's New Era
By Ankit Panda
Did the Chinese president need to remove term limits to exercise power and influence over the party?

What Will the World Give up to Share China's 'Common Destiny'?
By David Bandurski
“If we want to know how China proposes governing the world, we need only look at how it governs itself.”

Does Xi Jinping Thought Really Matter?
By Zoe Jordan
The move to codify Xi Jinping thought may not be as important as analysts have been suggesting.

Succession – The Key Word in Chinese Politics
By Zheng Wang
At the Party Congress next week, China’s political machine will indicate its future direction.

Political Struggles at Home Shape Beijing’s Meddling Abroad
By Sarah Cook
Authoritarian rule in China poses a growing threat to democracy elsewhere.

The Chinese Dream in Peril: Xi Jinping and the Korean Crisis
By Anthony Miller
Beijing has a vested interest in the status quo -- not in the Kim dynasty.

China’s 19th Party Congress: Projecting the Next Politburo Standing Committee
By Andrei Lungu
The composition of the Politburo and its Standing Committee will provide vital clues about the state of Chinese politics.

China’s 19th Party Congress: Political Precedent and the Politburo Standing Committee
By Andrei Lungu
While lacking transparency, Chinese politics is actually quite predictable.

China's Next President: Reading the Tea Leaves of Chinese Politics, Part 2
By Andrei Lungu
Will Xi Jinping remain in charge after 2022?

China's Next President: Reading the Tea Leaves of Chinese Politics
By Andrei Lungu
It's time to push back against the “Xi Forever” narrative and take a deep dive into political maneuvering in China.

Politics to Rule Economics at China’s ‘Game Of Thrones’
By Anthony Fensom
Policy stability will be a key focus of both China’s government and central bank ahead of the 19th National Congress.

The 12 Regions of China: Past and Present
By John Lee
Rather than viewing China as a monolith, the country can be understood as 12 distinct regions.