Chinese Real Estate

How to Fix China’s Debt Woes
By Sara Hsu
Some key reforms are needed to better cope with troubled borrowers.

The State of China’s Trust Companies
By Sara Hsu
Dire predictions have not yet come to pass, but a cooling property sector could have significant repercussions.

Divorce: One Way to Avoid China's New Real Estate Restrictions
“Shanghai’s Zhabei District center issued a record 53 divorces in a single day.”

China and Capital Outflow Reform
Capital outflow reforms have come in fits and starts, but the overall trend is certainly toward a more open system.

Real Estate Restrictions Tighten in China
China’s State Council has announced a property sales tax hike, aimed at cooling the nation’s overheating market.

Chinese Dream Turning Sour?
Home ownership is meant to be part of the “Chinese dream.” But for many, real estate has become a nightmare.

China's Real Estate Misstep
China may be loosening government restrictions on the property market too quickly. Structural issues remain.

If China’s Property Bubble Bursts
The cooling of China’s real estate sector is good for the economy. But the government is right to be worried about the social consequences of the bubble bursting.
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