
Chinese social media

Watching Taiwan’s Free Elections, Chinese Internet Users Lament One-Party Rule

Watching Taiwan’s Free Elections, Chinese Internet Users Lament One-Party Rule

By Yaqiu Wang
Quickly censored comments reveal a bitter rejection of Beijing’s official line on the Taiwanese balloting.

Chinese Social Media Platforms Are Now Awash With Antisemitism

Chinese Social Media Platforms Are Now Awash With Antisemitism

By Yaqiu Wang
The Israel-Hamas conflict has triggered a fresh outpouring of hate speech that aligns with Beijing’s policy aims.
Canada’s Foreign Interference Inquiries Should Not Be Distracted by Diplomatic Struggles With India

Canada’s Foreign Interference Inquiries Should Not Be Distracted by Diplomatic Struggles With India

By Chauncey Jung
While Trudeau is correct in expanding the scope of foreign interference, it is necessary to distinguish the different tactics India and China have adopted in Canada. 

Why US Policymakers Must Take a Surgical Approach to TikTok Concerns

Why US Policymakers Must Take a Surgical Approach to TikTok Concerns

By Ryan Nabil
Wholesale banning of an entire social media platform could have serious implications for the future role of the government in regulating how Americans use the internet. 

The Unintended Consequences of China’s Stance on Ukraine

The Unintended Consequences of China’s Stance on Ukraine

By Yimei Liu
China’s censored social media environment makes it difficult to judge public opinion. But the pro-Russia narrative that has emerged is having a real impact on ordinary people.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Chinese Tennis Star Accuses Former Top Official of Sexual Assault

Chinese Tennis Star Accuses Former Top Official of Sexual Assault

By Shannon Tiezzi
Peng Shuai's post broke new ground for the #MeToo movement in China: directly implicating a high-ranking CCP official.

What Do Chinese People Think of the US Election?

What Do Chinese People Think of the US Election?

By Aadil Brar
Chinese state media call the U.S. election chaotic and costly, while social media users can't stop talking about it.
China Isn’t Hiding the Border Tensions With India From Its Public Anymore

China Isn’t Hiding the Border Tensions With India From Its Public Anymore

By Aadil Brar
China has loosened its restrictions on reporting about the border standoff, while still practicing heavy-handed opinion shaping tactics.

What America Can Learn From Chinese Society’s Media Skepticism

What America Can Learn From Chinese Society’s Media Skepticism

By Jasmine Chia
Many Americans have almost blind faith in their preferred media sources. Most Chinese have learned not to believe everything they read.

Teens Love the Video App TikTok. Do They Love It Too Much?

Teens Love the Video App TikTok. Do They Love It Too Much?

By Associated Press
The Chinese-owned online video service is immensely popular, but some have serious security concerns about the platform.

China’s Changing PR Strategy for the Hong Kong Protests

China’s Changing PR Strategy for the Hong Kong Protests

By Chauncey Jung
From evacuating mainland students to sending soldiers into the street, the CCP’s chosen narratives have shifted.
How WeChat Conquered Tibet

How WeChat Conquered Tibet

By Tenzin Dalha
Tibetans know the surveillance risks, but many choose to give up privacy for convenience.

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