
Kim Jong Un’s Emphasis on Chongryon
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
The North Korean leader extends a warm welcome to a visiting group of Korean nationals resident in Japan.

The Plight of the ‘Zainichi’ Koreans
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
Those Koreans resident in Japan who support North Korea face a serious new challenge.

Japan Backward in Coming Forward on US-North Korea
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
At a time of stalemate, the Suga administration seems unwilling to take the initiative.

Japan's North Korean Diaspora
By Yaechan Lee
The past, present, and future of Chongryon, the pro-North Korea group based in Japan.

No ‘Paradise on Earth’: Why Japan Should Right a Historic Wrong
By Kanae Doi
Tokyo for years supported a program that condemned many to hell on earth.

Pyongyang Receives Key Japan Officials Before Report Release
By Clint Richards
Sanctions and improved diplomatic ties are being highlighted as the abductee report draws near.

North Korea’s Abductions and Abe’s Politics of Justice
By Markus Bell
With the resumption of talks this year, the abductee issue could be a win-win for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

UN Raps Japan For Not Funding Pro-Pyongyang Schools
Japan’s refusal to subsidize pro-North Korean schools in Japan “constitutes discrimination” a UN committee claims.
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