Chuck Hagel

Erectile Dysfunction and Strategy
By Robert Farley
Let's not get too caught up in the notion of credibility.

Vietnam Threatens Legal Action Against China
By Zachary Keck
Vietnam appears set to use international law to settle its territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea.

Shangri-La Dialogue: The Aftermath
By Clint Richards
As China rebuts Hagel and Abe’s remarks, the region waits to see what might be on offer in return for cooperation.

US-ASEAN Defense Ministers Meet in Hawaii
By Carl Thayer
The meeting marks the first time ASEAN ministers have met in the United States.

China Attempts Military Transparency… And Fails
By Harry Kazianis
If the PLA wants to be transparent, giving Chuck Hagel a tour of its symbolic aircraft carrier won't cut it.

Mongolia: More Than Just a Courtesy Call
By J. Berkshire Miller
The significance of US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s visit to Ulan Bator this month should not be overlooked.

US Swears Asia Pivot Isn't Dead
By Zachary Keck
Ahead of his fourth trip to the region, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the US remains committed to the rebalance.

Hagel: Pentagon 'Will Maintain Approach of Restraint' in Cyberspace
By Shannon Tiezzi
Hagel's remarks supporting the National Security Agency will do little to ease international tensions over cyber-space.

Cowpens Incident Shows Limits of Mil-to-Mil Ties
By Zachary Keck
Unprecedented improvements in U.S.-China mil-to-mil ties have not appreciably reduced tensions.

US-Japan Alliance Sparks Korean Grand Strategy Debate
By Robert E. Kelly
Korea’s issues with Japan are much more deep-seated than U.S. policymakers seem to understand.

Pakistan Wants to Accelerate Iran Natural Gas Pipeline
By Ankit Panda
Pakistan's foreign ministry announced that Pakistan would double-down on the construction of its pipeline with Iran.

Hard Times for Hagel in Kabul and Islamabad
By Ankit Panda
Despite Chuck Hagel's efforts, the United States' fortunes in the AfPak region remain uncertain.