Chuck Hagel
Militarization of the Arctic Heats Up, Russia Takes the Lead
By J. Michael Cole
Washington Rediscovers Asia
By Elizabeth C. Economy
Park Geun-hye: Japan Summit ‘Pointless’ Without Apology
Japan-South Korea diplomatic relations remain frosty over “comfort women” issue.
The Courtship of ASEAN
ASEAN is enjoying unprecedented attention from the great powers. Clever diplomacy will ensure the benefits continue.
Rebalancing the Maritime Pivot to Asia
By Abhijit Singh
A New Type of US-China Military Relationship
Growing exchanges and a U.S. desire to cooperate suggest a policy of engagement, rather than containment.
Hagel Explains his Southeast Asia Trip … On YouTube
Chuck Hagel takes to YouTube to explain his most recent trip to the region.
Philippines Needs to Get Serious on U.S. Alliance
Manila should use the visit of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to make clear where it stands.
Iran’s Navy May Deploy to Atlantic Ocean, Establish Antarctica Base
Plus, Indonesia is hosting a naval exercise, and everyone’s attending. Friday defense links.
In Announcing ASEAN Trip, Pentagon Gets Revenge on China
Why did the Pentagon announce Hagel’s ASEAN visit while China’s Defense Minister was in the building?
Memo to Washington: Stick to Promises You Can Keep
In making promises it has no real way to fulfill, the U.S. is undermining those that it absolutely must keep.
In 2005 Letter, Hagel Asked UN Chief to Condemn Iran's "Anti-Semitism"
Despite being called an anti-Semite, past actions may prove otherwise.