Civilian casualties

Alfred Nobel, Technology, and the End of War
By Jacob Parakilas
The namesake of the famous prize believed that more destructive weapons would make war unthinkable. Few people believe that anymore – but we have new delusions to contend with.

Afghan Civilian Casualties, the Elephant in the Room
By Said Sabir Ibrahimi
Civilian deaths in Afghanistan shouldn’t be treated as simple statistics that no one wants to talk about.

When Will Afghan Civilians Get Justice?
By Neha Dwivedi
Further delay in delivering justice for civilians killed in U.S. airstrikes plays into the hands of the Taliban.

No Good News: Afghan Civilian Casualties Still Increasing
By Catherine Putz
That there were fewer civilian deaths in 2015 is little solace--overall casualties are still on the rise.

Civilian Casualties at Record High in Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
The UN recommends that Afghan government forces stop firing mortars and grenades into civilian-populated areas.

Civilian Casualties in War: Redefining “Everything Possible”
The U.S. consistently claims to be doing all it can to minimize civilian casualties. It can do better.
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