
Cumulative Warfare: War by Statistics
By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat reflects on the cumulative/sequential dichotomy of understanding warfare.

Securing Santa: Forging a US Arctic Strategy
By James R. Holmes
What should be the factors informing U.S. strategy in the Arctic Ocean?

5 Warfare Concepts That Explain Rugby
Watching rugby allows observers to see the ideas of Clausewitz, Corbett and Sun Tzu in action.

The Naval Diplomat's Top 10 Books About the Sea
James Holmes gives us his top ten books on naval warfare and diplomacy.
Present at Creation: How I Pioneered Drone Warfare
Not targeting al-Qaeda to keep its ranks thin is like not battling Japan for fear of creating kamikaze pilots.

Grand Strategy and the Art of the Possible
Grand Strategists take note: it’s easy but not altogether useful to propose impossible remedies.

George Orwell: Strategic Genius?
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu and…George Orwell? The Naval Diplomat explains.

Defining Military Strategy
Does allocating a certain amount of national resources towards defense equal a military strategy?
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