

The Danger of China-Philippines South China Sea Joint Development

The Danger of China-Philippines South China Sea Joint Development

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Immediate opportunities mask serious risks related to the past, current context, and the near future.

Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic: Thawing Out or Freezing Up?

Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic: Thawing Out or Freezing Up?

By Benjamin David Baker
China is increasing its presence in the Russian Arctic. What does Moscow really think about it?
Beyond Checkbook Diplomacy: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Visits the United Kingdom

Beyond Checkbook Diplomacy: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Visits the United Kingdom

By Ankit Panda
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's trip to the UK could usher in a new era in bilateral relations focused on economics.

China’s Canadian Woes

China’s Canadian Woes

As the recent HD Mining case underscores, Chinese companies face a lot of scrutiny when operating in North America.

Canada's Careful China Balancing Act

Canada's Careful China Balancing Act

The decision to allow the acquisition of Nexen by foreign firms came with some interesting stipulations.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China's Canadian Oil Play: Still Alive

China's Canadian Oil Play: Still Alive

China’s oil firms could learn a lot from a recent Canadian ruling against Petronas: Don’t play chicken.

Playing the Protectionism Game

Playing the Protectionism Game

Despite accusations from Chinese firms trying to gain entry into American markets, Beijing protects its own “strategic sectors.”

China, Canada and Oil Sands

China, Canada and Oil Sands

While the deal makes sense economically, Stephen Harper’s government must navigate the political minefield of China SOEs in Canada.

The 'Tragedy' of China's Energy Policy

The 'Tragedy' of China's Energy Policy

Why Beijing’s energy strategy entrenches the narrative of China as a “irresponsible stakeholder.”

India's Look East Policy in the South China Sea

India's Look East Policy in the South China Sea

With no territorial claims but strong economic interests in the disputed waters, India may have a role to play.

China, Canada and Oil: A Complicated Calculus

China, Canada and Oil: A Complicated Calculus

Despite efforts by Beijing to invest in Canada’s vast natural resources, challenges remain.

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