COAS Gen Asim Munir

Pakistan in Crisis: Imran Khan vs. the Army Chief
By Ayesha Siddiqa
Even if the establishment manages to put Khan behind bars, his political ghost will not be that easy to get rid of.

The Battle for Supremacy in Pakistan: Asim Munir Vs Imran Khan
By Aditya Kumar Singh and Rahul Rawat
The tussle between Asim Munir and Imran Khan will only provoke politics of revenge, furthering polarization and deepening Pakistan’s poly-crisis.

Indian Intelligence Official Anand Arni on Pakistan’s New Army Chief Gen Asim Munir
By Sudha Ramachandran
“If Gen. Munir keeps Lt. Gen. Nadeem Anjum on in the post of DG-ISI, then it could signal warmer ties with the U.S.”
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