

Pakistan to Arm Super Mushshak Aircraft for Counterinsurgency Operations

Pakistan to Arm Super Mushshak Aircraft for Counterinsurgency Operations

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex is tailoring the Super Mushshak training aircraft for counterinsurgency operations.
Can the Counterinsurgency Doctrine Be Saved?

Can the Counterinsurgency Doctrine Be Saved?

By Karsten Friis
After failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, it's time for a new understanding of counterinsurgency.

4 Tenets of Fighting Insurgents

4 Tenets of Fighting Insurgents

“If you want excellent generals, admirals, and senior enlisted tomorrow, then, loosen the reins today.”

The Insurgents’ Head Game

The Insurgents’ Head Game

Weak actors prevail in conflict by convincing the strong of what they can’t do-namely, win.

The Insurgent’s Playbook: Start Cumulative, Go Sequential

The Insurgent’s Playbook: Start Cumulative, Go Sequential

A weak combatant cuts a stronger adversary down in size, while amassing the wherewithal to prevail.

Japan's COIN Experience

Japan's COIN Experience

Japan’s World War II experience with counterinsurgency or COIN is a horrific tale that offers painful historical lessons.

Afghanistan's "Green on Blue" Nightmare

Afghanistan's "Green on Blue" Nightmare

Attacks on coalition troops by members of Afghan security forces endanger partnering programs and point to grave cultural misunderstandings.

The COIN Fallacy

The COIN Fallacy

Counterinsurgency is increasingly being seen as a failure in Afghanistan. Was it flawed from the start?



The Diplomat hears from counterinsurgency specialist David Kilcullen about the war in Afghanistan and the theory of COIN

Why West Lost Afghan War

Why West Lost Afghan War

The former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit says the US-led coalition has already lost the war in Afghanistan. A shake-up in military leadership won’t change that.

What COIN Teaches Thailand

What COIN Teaches Thailand

The Thai Red Shirts have the hallmarks of an insurgency. Does a book written by David Petraeus show how to resolve the issue?

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