Comfort women agreement

Can South Korea Mend Ties With Japan?
By Mitch Shin
The Yoon administration has expressed a strong willingness to improve bilateral ties with Japan, but Tokyo seems unwilling to budge on the central issues.

South Korea Decides to Dismantle 'Comfort Women' Reconciliation and Healing Foundation
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
Seoul is walking away from a key part of the 2015 agreement with Tokyo, tossing the comfort women issue back into the spotlight.

Confronting Korea’s Censored Discourse on Comfort Women
By Joseph Yi
Controversy over the comfort women is partly rooted in a Manichean worldview dividing people into innocents and oppressors.

What’s Next for South Korea’s Moon Jae-in in 2018?
By Brad Glosserman
Given that little about what is occurring is new, here is a cliché-ridden assessment of what lies ahead for him.

The Japan-South Korea ‘Comfort Women’ Agreement Survives (Barely)
By Yuki Tatsumi
After months of speculation, Moon's administration decides to keep to the 2015 agreement.

South Korea Pulls Back From Sex Slave Agreement With Japan
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
A recent government report criticizes the agreement made under the previous Park administration.

South Korea’s Real Fight Is With China, Not Japan
By Scott W. Harold and Jeffrey W. Hornung
Seoul is picking the wrong battle, with real implications for itself, Washington, and the region.

South Korea and the Quad: Missing Out or Opting Out?
By Tom Corben
Seoul’s absence from a revived Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is unfortunate, yet perfectly logical.

How the Comfort Women Settlement Can Boost Japan-ROK Ties
By Ki Suh Jung
Getting past the issue would pave the way for greater collaboration against urgent security threats.
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