Commander in Chief Donald Trump

Can an Incoherent Polity Have a Coherent Foreign Policy?
By Jacob Parakilas
Donald Trump’s refusal to concede his loss in the presidential election will not stop Joe Biden from taking office, but it seriously complicates his ability to marshal American authority and power.

No Big Fleet Buildup in Trump’s Proposed 2018 Budget
By Steven Stashwick
Despite slight increases, budget does not lay out a plan toward a 355-ship fleet.

Trump, North Korea, and the Danger of the Falklands War Model
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why the Falklands War could serve as a misguided template for military conflict on the Korean Peninsula.

The Navy Will Struggle to Build Trump’s 350-Ship Fleet
By Steven Stashwick
Budget and shipyard hurdles will stymie progress beyond the current President’s term.

Ambiguous Trump Policies Might Accelerate China’s Militarization in the South China Sea
By Steven Stashwick
China could use threats to block its Spratly bases to bolster their military capabilities.

Road to 350: Can the US Build a 350-Ship Fleet the Navy Actually Wants?
By Steven Stashwick
Shipbuilding capacity, political & budget uncertainty, combat capability, complicate any new plan.

Road to 350: What Does the US Navy Do Anyway?
By Steven Stashwick
As Trump promises a 350-ship fleet, a primer on the U.S. Navy today.

Trump’s New Navy: Does the US Really Need 350 Warships?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Defense hawks are embracing Donald Trump’s idea of expanding U.S. naval power.

Could Trump Actually Start a Nuclear War?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Examining the worst case and most likely scenarios when it comes to war under President Trump.
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