
Compact of Free Association with the United States of America

US Congress’ COFA Delay Jeopardizes a Key Element of the ’Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ 

US Congress’ COFA Delay Jeopardizes a Key Element of the ’Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ 

By Cleo Paskal
The U.S. government concluded COFA renewal talks with Palau, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands in 2023. Months later, Congress has yet to approve the funding.

China Threatens US Interests in Micronesia, Former President Warns

China Threatens US Interests in Micronesia, Former President Warns

By Camilla Pohle
If Compact funding remains stuck in limbo, the Freely Associated States will be increasingly vulnerable to China’s influence, David Panuelo warned.
US Pacific Policy in China’s Shadow

US Pacific Policy in China’s Shadow

By Cleo Paskal
Washington has indeed stepped up engagement, but missteps, half-steps, and mixed messaging are getting in the way.

US Compacts of Free Association Are Key to Deterring a Taiwan Contingency

US Compacts of Free Association Are Key to Deterring a Taiwan Contingency

By Angela Smith
The current COFA renegotiation processes will have a huge impact on peace in the Pacific.

The US Is Squandering Its COFA Advantage in the Pacific

The US Is Squandering Its COFA Advantage in the Pacific

By Patricia O’Brien
The Compacts of Free Association (COFA) between the U.S. and the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau touch on nearly every U.S. national priority. So why are renegotiations stuck in limbo?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How the US Can Protect the Sovereignty of the Smallest Pacific Islands

How the US Can Protect the Sovereignty of the Smallest Pacific Islands

By Alexander B. Gray
As the Biden administration confronts China’s growing assertiveness, the challenges confronting the smallest Pacific Islands should be front of mind.

America Is Betting Big on the Second Island Chain

America Is Betting Big on the Second Island Chain

By Derek Grossman
Defense Secretary Esper's recent visits to Palau and Guam highlight the importance of the Second Island Chain to U.S. interests -- and China's growing influence there.
US Defense Secretary Esper Visits Tiny Palau, Highlighting US-China Competition

US Defense Secretary Esper Visits Tiny Palau, Highlighting US-China Competition

By Associated Press
The island nation is an example of the battleground on which the United States and China are pursuing a "great power" competition for global influence.

Why the Compacts of Free Association Matter to Washington

Why the Compacts of Free Association Matter to Washington

By Grant Wyeth
With its eyes on China, the United States seeks to reaffirm its presence in the western Pacific.

Chuuk State’s Delayed Independence Vote Approaches

Chuuk State’s Delayed Independence Vote Approaches

By Adam Kiedrowski
Chuuk, the most populous part of the Federated States of Micronesia, is set to vote on whether to seek independence in March 2020.

Rethinking Palau's Place in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific

Rethinking Palau's Place in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific

By Michael Walsh
Palau has the potential to meaningfully participate in more subregional architectures and initiatives.
The United States Needs a COFA Strategy

The United States Needs a COFA Strategy

By Michael Walsh
Over the next few years, the United States is expected to start renegotiating the terms of its Compacts of Free Association.

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