Constitutional Democratic Party

Governing From Weakness: The LDP Under Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru
By Sheila A. Smith
Ishiba is in a far weaker political position than his immediate predecessors – and has far more international volatility to contend with.

Interview With Japan’s Opposition Leader Noda Yoshihiko
By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
"Moving forward, the ruling and opposition parties must work together to reform and rebuild public trust, aiming for unity."

Will Japan’s Election Mark the End of Abe Diplomacy?
By Hiroaki KATO
Ironically, the opposition parties may have more in common with the late Abe's approach than the LDP's current leader.

How Might Japan’s Hung Parliament Affect Foreign Policy?
By Jio Kamata
Whatever the result of the coalition talks currently underway, the opposition parties have more veto power than they have enjoyed in over a decade.

In ‘Exceptionally Harsh Judgement’ From Japan’s Public, LDP Loses Its Majority
By Shannon Tiezzi
Despite losing 69 seats, the LDP is still hoping to form a government through a new coalition.

‘Realism’ Looms Large Over the CDP Leadership Race
By Jio Kamata
Japan’s main opposition party is holding a leadership election. Is it ready to shake off the stigma of the previous DPJ government?

Japan’s Slush Fund Scandal Intensifies in Diet Discussions
By Thisanka Siripala
Political parties clashed over political fundraising reform as lawmakers deliberate on proposals for varying levels of transparency and punishment.

Will Izumi Kenta Be Japan’s Next Prime Minister?
By Jio Kamata
A CDP government looks more likely than ever – even if it’s still a low-odds proposition.

Can Kishida Turn the LDP Into a Friend of Labor?
By Jio Kamata
The LDP is hoping to capitalize on rifts within the Japanese Trade Union Confederation and the opposition ranks.

Why Does the Japanese Left Hate Nippon Ishin So Much?
By Jio Kamata
Ishin may have the best chance of becoming an opposition force to be reckoned with, but leftists fear the party even more than the LDP.

Japan’s Largest Opposition Party Seeks Moderation, But the Base Disagrees
By Jio Kamata
After a decade in the political wilderness, the Constitutional Democratic Party is trying to broaden its appeal – but its base is not pleased.

‘Hopeless’: Japan’s Weak Opposition No Match for Ruling LDP
By Mari Yamaguchi
Few expect the opposition to gain any ground in Japan’s upper house election on July 10.
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