
Cowpens Incident

5 Takeaways on China's Theft of a US Drone in Philippine Waters in the South China Sea

5 Takeaways on China's Theft of a US Drone in Philippine Waters in the South China Sea

By Ankit Panda
The seizure of a U.S. underwater glider is an exceptionally brazen and illegal move by Beijing in the South China Sea.
Unplanned Encounters in the South China Sea: Under Control?

Unplanned Encounters in the South China Sea: Under Control?

By Ankit Panda
There's some good news in the South China Sea, despite rising tensions over disputed maritime claims.

US-China Military Agreements Dodge Deep Differences

US-China Military Agreements Dodge Deep Differences

By Mark J. Valencia
Hailed as “groundbreaking,” the new rules fail to address fundamental differences.

The US-China MOU on Air and Maritime Encounters

The US-China MOU on Air and Maritime Encounters

By Mark J. Valencia
Last week’s memorandum of understanding was a start, but the risk of future incidents remains.

Preventing Another 'Hainan Incident'

Preventing Another 'Hainan Incident'

By Shannon Tiezzi
Can the U.S. and China come to agreements to lessen the risk of dangerous accidents at sea or in the air?
Freedom of Navigation and China: What Should Europe Do?

Freedom of Navigation and China: What Should Europe Do?

By Edward Schwarck
It is in Europe’s interests to join in defending the concept of freedom of navigation.

Why the Cowpens Saga Matters

Why the Cowpens Saga Matters

By James R. Holmes
The Cowpens story is not only bizarre. It also undercuts the fleet's reputation, which undercuts its political utility.
U.S.-China Relations and the Western Pacific

U.S.-China Relations and the Western Pacific

By Denny Roy
Maritime assertiveness in 2013 appears to have dashed hopes for a “new kind of great power relations.”

China and the Far Seas

China and the Far Seas

By Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange
China’s Far Seas presence enables it to escort Syria’s chemical weapons marked for destruction.

USS Cowpens Incident: Rule Bending in the South China Sea

USS Cowpens Incident: Rule Bending in the South China Sea

By Robert Farley
The incident stems in part from a desire in China to push back against the United States.

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