
Cross-Strait Relations

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'Lovable' Taiwan and Its Soft Power Quest

'Lovable' Taiwan and Its Soft Power Quest

By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan's deputy minister of culture speaks with The Diplomat.
The Next US President Should Keep Taiwan Close

The Next US President Should Keep Taiwan Close

By Kent Wang
As Washington debates overseas engagement, it must not forget about Taiwan.

'One China,' 5 Interpretations

'One China,' 5 Interpretations

By JM Norton
The various ways different stakeholders in Beijing, Taipei, and Washington interpret "one China."

South China Sea Ruling: A Boost for Cross-Strait Relations?

South China Sea Ruling: A Boost for Cross-Strait Relations?

By Shang-su Wu
Taiwan and mainland China's similar positions on the South China Sea could provide the basis for a "2016 Consensus."

Britain, Taiwan, and the Question of Sovereignty

Britain, Taiwan, and the Question of Sovereignty

By Kerry Brown
The Brexit vote shows how important national sovereignty still is -- an important lesson for Taiwan.
The US and the 1992 Consensus

The US and the 1992 Consensus

By Eric Huang
Looking at the recent comments by AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt.

Did China Just Kill Cross-Strait Relations?

Did China Just Kill Cross-Strait Relations?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing announces that it suspended cross-strait communications when Tsai Ing-wen assumed office.
Taiwan's Former President Ma Has Overseas Travel Plans Scuttled

Taiwan's Former President Ma Has Overseas Travel Plans Scuttled

By Katherine Wei
Former Taiwanese presidents are unable to travel freely outside of the country within 3 years of leaving office.

The Evolution of Taiwanese Identity

The Evolution of Taiwanese Identity

By Linda van der Horst
As Taiwanese identity becomes more prominent, people seek out their connections to indigenous tribes.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Taiwan?

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Taiwan?

By Xie Tao
Beijing must understand the roots of discontent in Taiwan if it wants to truly achieve unification.

Tsai Ing-wen’s Cross-Strait Policies: Vague By Design?

Tsai Ing-wen’s Cross-Strait Policies: Vague By Design?

By Katherine Wei
Taiwan's new president is vague on cross-strait ties, but that might be by design.
Taiwan: Answering China’s ‘Test’

Taiwan: Answering China’s ‘Test’

By Joseph A. Bosco
Beijing complains that Tsai Ing-wen’s inaugural address was an “incomplete test answer.”

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