

What Should the US Do About China’s Spy Facility in Cuba?

What Should the US Do About China’s Spy Facility in Cuba?

By Joseph Bouchard
News that China plans to establish a signals and electronics intelligence station on the island carries echoes of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
How China Helps the Cuban Regime Stay Afloat and Shut Down Protests

How China Helps the Cuban Regime Stay Afloat and Shut Down Protests

By Leland Lazarus and Evan Ellis
Chinese companies have played a key part in building Cuba’s telecommunications infrastructure, a system the regime uses to control its people, just as the CCP does within its own borders.

Satellite Images: A (Worrying) Cuban Mystery

Satellite Images: A (Worrying) Cuban Mystery

By Victor Robert Lee
The new radome in Cuba is unprecedented. Who is behind it?

Li Keqiang Becomes First Chinese Premier to Visit Cuba

Li Keqiang Becomes First Chinese Premier to Visit Cuba

By Catherine Putz
The world’s largest and smallest communist states have had stable relations for years.

A Rare Opportunity for Pacific Islands Health Care

A Rare Opportunity for Pacific Islands Health Care

By Eileen Natuzzi
With a little support, Cuban-educated doctors could change the face of health care in Solomon Islands and elsewhere.
The Geopolitical Lessons of US-Cuba Rapprochement

The Geopolitical Lessons of US-Cuba Rapprochement

By Robert Farley
The United States and Cuba will re-establish diplomatic relations, ending a vestige of U.S. Cold War policy.

Russia to Reopen Spy Base in Cuba

Russia to Reopen Spy Base in Cuba

By Zachary Keck
Russia and Cuba signed a preliminary deal to reopen the Soviet Union’s largest foreign intelligence base at Lourdes.
Xi Jinping Heads to South America

Xi Jinping Heads to South America

By Shannon Tiezzi
After the BRICS summit in Brazil, Xi will travel to Argentina, Venezuela, and Cuba.

China's Foreign Minister Tours Latin America

China's Foreign Minister Tours Latin America

By Shannon Tiezzi
Wang Yi stopped in Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil to pave the way for Xi Jinping's July visit.

Russia Says It's Building Naval Bases in Asia, Latin America

Russia Says It's Building Naval Bases in Asia, Latin America

By Zachary Keck
Russia’s defense minister says the country will soon build military bases everywhere from Vietnam to Cuba.

Amid Snowden Fallout, Russian Navy Makes Port Call in Cuba

Amid Snowden Fallout, Russian Navy Makes Port Call in Cuba

A Russian Naval Task Force docked at Havana Harbor on Saturday for the first time in 4 years.

The Great China Exception

The Great China Exception

On religious freedom and the one-child policy, other nations stand quietly by as Beijing abuses its own citizens. They shouldn’t.

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