
Cultural Revolution

Is the CCP About to Rehabilitate the Cultural Revolution?

Is the CCP About to Rehabilitate the Cultural Revolution?

By Jesse Turland
The official historical narrative – as defined by Xi Jinping – is set to feature prominently at the CCP plenum in November.
When Emulating Mao, Xi Should Not Forget the Cultural Revolution

When Emulating Mao, Xi Should Not Forget the Cultural Revolution

By Chi Wang
Mao’s quest for uncontested power culminated in a national tragedy – and a deeply personal one for the author.

Beijing’s Persecution of the Uyghurs is a Modern Take on an Old Theme

Beijing’s Persecution of the Uyghurs is a Modern Take on an Old Theme

By Arch Puddington
Like its totalitarian antecedents, the Chinese regime is willing to break entire cultures in pursuit of artificial conformity.

The Real Danger of China’s National Intelligence Law

The Real Danger of China’s National Intelligence Law

By Bonnie Girard
There’s a bloody history behind the idea that the average Chinese citizen should defend national security from unspecified threats.

The Specter of the Cultural Revolution

The Specter of the Cultural Revolution

By Yun Tang
Without political reform, the ghosts of a tragic episode will continue to haunt China.
How China Remembers the Cultural Revolution

How China Remembers the Cultural Revolution

By Perry Link
50 years later, China still has yet to come to terms with Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

How Far Is China From Another Cultural Revolution?

How Far Is China From Another Cultural Revolution?

By Yang Hengjun
Corruption and popular discontent led to one of China's most tumultuous periods. Could it happen again?
China’s Cultural Revolution at 50

China’s Cultural Revolution at 50

By Richard Curt Kraus
Conventional thinking on one of Communist China’s seminal events is often too simplistic.

China's Strange Relationship With the Mango

China's Strange Relationship With the Mango

By David Volodzko
The mango's journey from a Maoist icon to a craved consumer good.

Re-Collecting China

Re-Collecting China

By Bill Callahan
A documentary film by Bill Callahan

The Cultural Revolution: An Anniversary Steeped in Embarrassment

The Cultural Revolution: An Anniversary Steeped in Embarrassment

By Kerry Brown
The 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution will pass in silence if China's leaders have their way.
Mao Zedong: Savior or Demon?

Mao Zedong: Savior or Demon?

By Bo Zhiyue
Over 120 years after his birth, China still debates what Mao's true legacy is.

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