
Currency devaluation

‘Sword Of Damocles’ Hangs Over Asia

‘Sword Of Damocles’ Hangs Over Asia

By Anthony Fensom
Financial markets are worried about another Chinese currency devaluation.

Don’t Try to Exchange Your Manats for Dollars in Turkmenistan

Don’t Try to Exchange Your Manats for Dollars in Turkmenistan

By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat has reportedly halted the sale of foreign currencies amid worries of a devaluation.
How Low Can Kazakhstan’s Tenge Go?

How Low Can Kazakhstan’s Tenge Go?

By Catherine Putz
Astana sees its currency hit a new low and ponders gas below $37 a barrel.

Kazakhstan’s Currency Troubles: Ruble, Oil and Yuan

Kazakhstan’s Currency Troubles: Ruble, Oil and Yuan

By Catherine Putz
The tenge is pushing the upper limit of the country’s trading band.

China’s Central Bank Defends Currency Devaluation

China’s Central Bank Defends Currency Devaluation

By Shannon Tiezzi
Officials from the People's Bank of China insist the move was designed to bring the RMB in line with its market value.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Amid Economic Woes, Kazakhstan Loosens Grip on Currency

Amid Economic Woes, Kazakhstan Loosens Grip on Currency

By Catherine Putz
Astana is moving toward a free-floating currency, but that's still a few years away.

China Warns US of Trade War

China Warns US of Trade War

China warns the US a bill passed by the Senate on alleged currency manipulation creates a lose-lose situation.

Trump for President?

Trump for President?

Is the China bashing by Donald Trump a sign of what to expect in the US presidential election campaign?

Yuan the Next Reserve Currency?

Hu Jintao’s remarks on the dollar as a major reserve currency made headlines. Will the yuan overtake the dollar?

What Midterms Mean for China

What Midterms Mean for China

Will the Republican triumph in the midterms put pressure on Barack Obama to take a tough line with China?

Geithner Heads to China

Geithner Heads to China

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is heading to China to discuss bilateral economic relations.

The Dangers of China Bashing

It’s a little troubling that a witch ‘denier’ could come to hold influence over US relations with China.

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