
Nearly 3 Years Later, Nepal Contends With the Consequences of Indian Demonetization
By Sumesh Shiwakoty
What’s going on with the demonetized Indian currency sitting in Nepal?

A Choice in Uzbekistan: Freshly Hatched Chicks or Cash?
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
In modern and ancient Asia alike, food and consumable products have been stores of wealth.

How Low Can Kazakhstan’s Tenge Go?
By Catherine Putz
Astana sees its currency hit a new low and ponders gas below $37 a barrel.

Kazakhstan’s Currency Troubles: Ruble, Oil and Yuan
By Catherine Putz
The tenge is pushing the upper limit of the country’s trading band.

Ruble Collapse a Problem for Central Asia
By Paolo Sorbello
The steep declines in Russia’s currency pose major dilemmas for the countries of Central Asia.
Mexico Cuts Interest Rate, China Talks Currency War
With Mexico cutting rates, China’s Commerce Minister warns about the depreciation of major currencies.

China's Yuan: Can it Challenge the Dollar?
China’s economy is now second to only the United States. Can its currency rise to a similar stature?

Understanding the "Currency War" Talk
“…currency manipulation is only one tactic in a much larger strategic goal…”

The Dollar's Limited Reprieve
Failure to raise the debt ceiling would have been catastrophic for both the U.S. and global economy. Investors should take note.

BRICS: The World's New Banker?
Some of the world’s most dynamic economies are considering the creation of their own development bank and bailout fund.

The Australian Dollar: A Global Currency?
Australia’s dollar by 2015 could become an official global reserve currency.

A U.S.-China “Trade War”: Time to Abolish a Silly Notion
Would either nation want to take the risk? Is the term “trade war” obsolete?
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