cyber diplomacy

The Missing Pieces of the US Cyber Strategy of ‘Persistent Engagement’
By Mark Manantan
Washington has to take steps to square its ambitions with the differing perceptions of its Indo-Pacific partners.

Trump and Offensive Cyber Warfare
By Franz-Stefan Gady
What will be President-elect Donald Trump’s policy on the use of offensive cyber weapons?

China-US Cyber Agreements: Has Beijing Outmaneuvered Washington?
By Greg Austin
The joint agreement by China and the U.S. may have created more diplomatic minefields than it sought to eliminate.

The Limits of a US-China Cyber Deal
By Shannon Tiezzi
Yes, a potential US-China cyber deal is important, but it will leave many key issues unresolved.

Cyber Attacks: Why Retaliating Against China Is the Wrong Reaction
By Jeffrey Carr
Bolstering security measures to foil the next attack, not retaliation, should be the U.S. government's priority.

Japan and the United States to Deepen Cybersecurity Cooperation
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The growing threat of digital attacks moves Washington and Tokyo closer together in trying to secure cyberspace.

US: Hackers Will 'Pay A Price' for Cyber Attacks
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a recent speech, the head of the NSA notes that the U.S. will retaliate against malicious actors in cyberspace.

How China Plans to Become a World Class Cyber Power
By Greg Austin
China is committed to the exploitation of advanced information and communications technologies in all walks of life.

Australia: National Security Innovation Priorities
By Greg Austin
How much should Canberra invest in cyber security, including S&T innovation?

What the Pentagon's New Cyber Strategy Means for China
By Greg Austin
The document needs more nuance on strategic stability in Asia.

Cybersecurity is Top Priority in Pentagon’s Future Acquisitions
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Pentagon's Deputy Chief Information Officer, Richard Hale, on the centrality of cybersecurity in his work.
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