
Cyber Terrorism

North Korea's Internet Outage: Whodunit?

North Korea's Internet Outage: Whodunit?

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. government probably wasn't responsible for the North Korean Internet outage.
Sochi Threat: Russia-U.S. Need to Cooperate on Cyber Terror

Sochi Threat: Russia-U.S. Need to Cooperate on Cyber Terror

By Richard Andres and Eirene Busa
Threats by Caucasus Anonymous should encourage the two countries to work together.

Simulating a Cyber Attack

Last week the Patterson School simulated a cyber attack against U.S. defense contractors. The results were not encouraging.

How to Save Cyberspace

How to Save Cyberspace

The U.S. is increasingly dependent on the Internet for its well-being. It makes its lack of preparedness for cyberattacks from China, Russia and others all the more worrying.

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks

Governments in Asia may see patriotic hackers as the answer to their cyber vulnerabilities. But cyber militias will likely only destabilize the region.

A Tough Cyber Year

A Tough Cyber Year

From Stuxnet to Anonymous, it has been a year of high-profile cyber attacks. Expect plenty more in 2012.

Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?

Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?

The U.S. and Israel are widely assumed to be responsible for the Stuxnet computer worm that hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. But Moscow has just as good a motive.

China’s Cyber Moves Hurting Beijing

China’s Cyber Moves Hurting Beijing

China isn’t the only country engaged in cyber espionage. But perceptions of its increased activity risk undermining its soft power diplomacy.

China’s Arab Spring Cyber Lessons

China’s Arab Spring Cyber Lessons

The Arab Spring has offered some useful pointers for countries such as China about what works in suppressing dissent — and what is counterproductive.

China Fears 'Toxic' Rumours

China Fears 'Toxic' Rumours

The Communist Party’s crackdown on ‘toxic’ Internet rumours is misguided. The tighter it squeezes freedom, the more credibility slips through its hands.

Wrong on China Cyber Assaults

Wrong on China Cyber Assaults

Why blaming the Obama administration for US firms’ cyber vulnerabilities misses the point.

Is Huawei a Security Risk?

Is China’s Huawei a cyber security risk? Western governments have some reasonable grounds for concern.

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