
John Arquilla on the New Challenge of Cyberwarfare
By Shannon Tiezzi
“The United States is the world’s most imbalanced cyber power. We have terrific offensive capabilities but terrible defenses.”

How Good Are China’s Cyber Defenses?
By Greg Austin
The foundations of China's cyber defenses remain weak.

Explaining Australia’s Sharp Turn to Information Warfare
By Greg Austin
How Australia's military is gearing up for information warfare.

Failed North Korean Missile Tests: Faulty Engineering or a Covert US Offensive Plan?
By Alexis Lavi and Matthew Flug
What would the United States need to credibly attack North Korean missile development by cyber means?

The US Will Win the Cyber War With China in 2017
By Greg Austin
It is now time to focus more on the ways in which cyber military capability can transform military power in wartime.

Conrad Prince on the United Kingdom's Cyber Strategy and Asia
By Ankit Panda
Conrad Prince, UK Cyber Ambassador, speaks with The Diplomat about cyber security and the Asia-Pacific.

Cyber Threats to Navy and Merchant Shipping in the Persian Gulf
By Ian W. Gray
Iran’s cyber capabilities continue to develop as merchant ships are becoming vectors for cyber attacks.

Strategic Culture and Cyberspace: Cyber Militias in Peacetime?
By Greg Austin
It's time to see how the concept of strategic culture can be used in understanding national approaches to cybersecurity.

Can China Be Deterred in Cyber Space?
By Joseph Nye
Deterring state actors from attacks that do not reach the level of force is difficult.

Middle Powers and Cyber-Enabled Warfare: The Imperative of Collective Security
By Greg Austin
Collective security in cyberspace may be the only answer for middle powers.

China and Indonesia: Joint Cyber War Simulations
By Greg Austin
An important diplomatic precedent for collaboration.

The Pentagon's Law of War for Cyberspace
By Greg Austin
Beyond the targeting of civil nuclear power plants.
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