
Hundreds in India Protest Government Handling of Fatal Rape Case
By Associated Press
The demonstrators shouted "Hang the rapists" and "First raped by devils, then by the system.”

Not Just ‘Dalits’: Other-Caste Indians Suffer Discrimination Too
By Tapasya
A young victim describes her experience with her caste identity in India.

Dumont, Guha, and the Danger of Stereotyping India
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The case of Dumont’s book may serve as a warning to all foreigners dealing with Indian society.

India’s Bhima Koregaon: A Battle of Narratives
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The Koregaon riots show how the same historical event can be seen from different perspectives.

Has Caste Discrimination Followed Indians Overseas?
By Priyanka Mogul
The United Kingdom, and particularly the Indian diaspora, debates anti-caste discrimination legislation.

India's Debate on Rohith Vemula Carries On Along Caste Lines
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
A January 2016 suicide continues to roil India's contemporary debate on caste and society.

Dalit Protest Over Gujarat Attack
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
A recent incident has sparked outrage.

India: Violence Against Dalits on the Rise
By Hanne Couderé
Despite robust laws, violence against India's most oppressed people continues to rise.
A Dalit’s Suicide Sparks Protests in India
By Roshni Kapur
Rohith Vemula arose as an icon of civil disobedience against discrimination, injustice, and hatred.

Ambedkar Museum: Shared Memorial and Divided Memory
By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s next museum has opened in London to commemorate a great, yet controversial statesman.

Manjhi: The Broken Mountains and the Mountains to Break
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Manjhi – The Mountain Man tells a grim but inspiring story of both Indian neglect and resolve.

Addressing Nepal’s Water Crisis
By Juliette Rousselot, Photos by Omar Havana
Although many communities still struggle, Nepal is making real progress on providing access to water.
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