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US Navy to Deploy Robot Ships to Track Chinese and Russian Subs
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Work on the U.S. Navy's new anti-submarine drone is progressing and that's bad news for diesel-electric subs.

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The American military will set up a new command center to better coordinate responses to attacks in space.

Is the Pentagon Getting Ready to Dump GPS?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The US Defense Secretary wants the DoD to rid itself off the vulnerable technology.

The US Navy Needs 161 More Ships
By Zachary Keck
Plus, the Navy is expanding its Hydra program and exploring a new anti-ship missile.

US Tests New Stealthy Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile
Lockheed Martin announced the second successful air-launched test of the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM).

Atlas Humanoid Robot Revealed Ahead of DARPA Robotics Challenge
The international robot competition will simulate a Fukushima-like disaster.

Move, Countermove in the Anti-Access Game
New technologies like unmanned surface ships could put a dent in some nation’s anti-access plans.

Russia, China, and America's Hypersonic Missile Race
Cruise missiles that can be maneuvered at speeds beyond Mach 5 are being tested.
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