

Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper: Proponent of Peace or Pandering to Power in the Indo-Pacific?

Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper: Proponent of Peace or Pandering to Power in the Indo-Pacific?

By Merewalesi (Mere) Nailatikau
Fiji seems inclined to promote a particular brand of peacemaking that aligns with the powerful.
France’s Colonial Legacy in the Pacific: A Contemporary Crisis

France’s Colonial Legacy in the Pacific: A Contemporary Crisis

By Patricia O’Brien
Much attention has been paid to France’s relationship with New Caledonia in recent months, but France has also been compelled to address its colonial ties with its other great Pacific territory, French Polynesia. 

India’s Stake in the Settlement of the Chagos Dispute

India’s Stake in the Settlement of the Chagos Dispute

By Radhey Tambi
By walking the decades-old talk on demanding sovereignty for Mauritius and holding firm throughout the negotiation process, India has shown its commitment to Mauritius.

Reclaiming Culture and Identity as a Central Asian Adoptee 

Reclaiming Culture and Identity as a Central Asian Adoptee 

By Christopher von Claparede-Niemann
As a generation of Central Asian adoptees enter adulthood in the United States, their personal quests for identity sit side-by-side with discussions of decolonization.

Why Boris Johnson Is Wrong About the British Indian Ocean Territory

Why Boris Johnson Is Wrong About the British Indian Ocean Territory

By Peter Harris
It’s long past time to decolonize the Chagos Islands. None of the former PM’s reasons for keeping control is convincing. 
Central Asia Comes Out of the Russian Shadow

Central Asia Comes Out of the Russian Shadow

By Erica Marat
The region’s search for language, historic memory, cultural heritage and – above all – dignity received a new impetus from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

How Pacific Regionalism Fell Apart

How Pacific Regionalism Fell Apart

By Steven Ratuva
It was almost inevitable that fractures would emerge within the Pacific Islands Forum.
Want a Rules-Based Order for the Indo-Pacific? Start With Diego Garcia.

Want a Rules-Based Order for the Indo-Pacific? Start With Diego Garcia.

By Peter Harris
The U.S. pushing for the divesting of colonialism in the Chagos Archipelago would be a good place to begin.

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