

Breaking Down Australia's Defense White Paper 2013

Breaking Down Australia's Defense White Paper 2013

Australia has set out to define its military strategy — with China and the U.S. very much in mind. Rory Medcalf from the Lowy Institute gives us his take.

Arms Race: 21st Century Style

Often times differences in national interest and capabilities result in countries trying to counter one another through dissimilar means.

Intellectual Property Meets Military Technology

Intellectual Property Meets Military Technology

Copying advanced foreign military systems has a long, distinguished history. What does the future hold?

Yes, America Can Rebalance to Asia With a Smaller Military

Yes, America Can Rebalance to Asia With a Smaller Military

Even in a time of budget cuts, America can successfully shift its gaze to the Asia-Pacific.

The Interview: Admiral Samuel J. Locklear

The Interview: Admiral Samuel J. Locklear

America’s rebalance towards Asia has many talking. The U.S. Navy will be at the forefront of such efforts. Adm. Locklear gives us his take.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Small Navy, Strong Navy

Small Navy, Strong Navy

Just because a smaller nation can’t deploy massive naval power does not mean it can’t be credible — or dangerous.

How Obama Got North Korea Wrong

How Obama Got North Korea Wrong

Instead of doubling down on a failed policy, Obama should have adopted a tougher approach towards Pyongyang.

Making Sense of North Korea’s Fireworks

Making Sense of North Korea’s Fireworks

Much will depend on decisions made not in Pyongyang, Seoul, Tokyo or even Washington, but in Beijing.

How to View Defense Spending in Asia

How to View Defense Spending in Asia

Defense spending in Asia is up in absolute terms but there many other factors to consider.

Australia's Nuclear Sub Option

Australia's Nuclear Sub Option

Australia is planning to build a new generation of submarines. The best option: lease America’s prized nuclear submarines.

John Wayne, The U.S. Navy and 'Change'

John Wayne, The U.S. Navy and 'Change'

Can ‘The Duke” teach a lesson or two when it comes to dealing with radical change and defeat? Perhaps.

Your Chance to Rebrand The U.S. Navy

Your Chance to Rebrand The U.S. Navy

How would you ‘sell’ the USN and market its ‘brand’? The Naval Diplomat asks his readers…

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