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Advice on a Vietnamese “Model Maritime Militia Force”

Advice on a Vietnamese “Model Maritime Militia Force”

History suggests ‘militiamen’ can harass lopsidedly superior foes, but the odds against their winning are long.

China's Real Blue Water Navy

China's Real Blue Water Navy

China is building a two-layered navy with a high-end Near Seas component and a limited, low-end capability beyond. It is not poised to speed across the Pacific to threaten America.

Boyd and the U.S. Navy’s Return to History

Boyd and the U.S. Navy’s Return to History

Adapting to A2/AD challenges from the likes of China and Iran means rediscovering old skills and habits.

Introducing John Boyd

Introducing John Boyd

Why an airman can help the U.S. Navy regain its nautical mastery.

Your Chance to Rebrand The U.S. Navy

Your Chance to Rebrand The U.S. Navy

How would you ‘sell’ the USN and market its ‘brand’? The Naval Diplomat asks his readers…

Russia, China, and America's Hypersonic Missile Race

Russia, China, and America's Hypersonic Missile Race

Cruise missiles that can be maneuvered at speeds beyond Mach 5 are being tested.

Top 5 Obstacles to AirSea Battle

Top 5 Obstacles to AirSea Battle

Deciphering what it is and fitting into a strategy could be a challenge.

The Return of Dr. Strangelove

The Return of Dr. Strangelove

How fiscal austerity will push the United States towards nuclear arms and cyber-warfare.

Taiwan Does Smart Power Right

Taiwan Does Smart Power Right

While Taiwan simply can’t match its larger neighbors with ‘hard power’, it has other options to enhance its international standing.

Air Power Meets Alfred Thayer Mahan

Air Power Meets Alfred Thayer Mahan

Why studying maritime history can help aviators understand their own profession.

The German U-Boat Reborn

The German U-Boat Reborn

How Tel Aviv and Canberra are looking to Berlin for their needs undersea.

Top 5 Things China’s Navy Needs...To Be a Blue-water Navy

Top 5 Things China’s Navy Needs...To Be a Blue-water Navy

While carriers and missiles make news, China’s navy needs platforms, skills, and habits to go global.

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