Democratic Party of Korea
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South Korea’s Political Pendulum Swings Again
By Youngmi Kim
The “old boys” are back after April 7 by-elections in Seoul and Busan.

South Korea’s President, Democratic Party Lose Momentum Amid Real Estate Market Turmoil
By Tae-jun Kang
For the first time in nearly four years, the conservative party has notched a higher approval rating than the DPK.

Will South Korea Relocate Its Administrative Capital?
By Tae-jun Kang
The Democratic Party raised the idea amid soaring real estate prices in Seoul -- and dwindling populations in the rest of the country.

Has the Time Come to Amend South Korea’s Constitution?
By Erik Mobrand
The challenge of constitutional reform is big, but that does not preclude major change in the public order under Moon.

Seoul Mayor’s Death Sets Critical Test for South Korea’s Ruling Party in 2021
By Cory Bisbee
Next year’s by-elections will be unusually important – for the Democratic Party and for the current frontrunner to succeed President Moon Jae-in.

With Sudden Death of Seoul Mayor, South Korea’s 2021 By-Elections Gain New Importance
By Tae-jun Kang
Next April, voters will choose new mayors for Seoul and Busan. Can the Democratic Party keep those seats?

Darcie Draudt on President Moon's 2-Year Anniversary
By Shannon Tiezzi
How is South Korea’s Moon Jae-in faring two years into his presidency?

Can South Korea Enact Electoral Reform In Time?
By Kyle Pope and Adam Pepin-Hall
The 2020 clock is ticking on crucial Korean electoral reforms.

Can South Korea’s 2 Main Parties Learn From Each Other?
By Tae-jun Kang
The Liberty Korea Party and Democratic Party have adopted opposite approaches to public scandals, both with mixed results.

Where Does South Korea’s President Go From Here?
By Benjamin A. Engel
Moon has made progress abroad, but questions remain at home.

The Deeper Meaning of South Korea's Constitutional Debate
By Yaechan Lee
The political games behind South Korea’s constitutional amendment process are linked to old narratives.

Will President Moon Repeat His Predecessors' Mistakes?
By Booseung Chang
Moon, like other South Korean presidents, seems to have little use for his party post-election.
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