
Democratic Progressive Party

Do the Taiwan Independence Movement’s Symbolic Victories Hide a Lack of Practical Hope?

Do the Taiwan Independence Movement’s Symbolic Victories Hide a Lack of Practical Hope?

By Shang-su Wu
A time zone and passport stickers reflect the inability of the independence movement to gain real political victories.

China-Taiwan Relations: Toward an Improved Cross-Strait Status Quo

China-Taiwan Relations: Toward an Improved Cross-Strait Status Quo

By David J. Firestein
The status quo around the cross-Strait issue is failing the United States, even as it is failing Taiwan and the PRC.
China and Taiwan Leaders Emphasize Kinship, 1992 Consensus in Historic Talks

China and Taiwan Leaders Emphasize Kinship, 1992 Consensus in Historic Talks

By Shannon Tiezzi
Much of what Ma Ying-jeou and Xi Jinping said was intended to influence a third party: DPP leader Tsai Ing-wen.

The Strange Case of the KMT’s Hung Hsiu-chu

The Strange Case of the KMT’s Hung Hsiu-chu

By J. Michael Cole
The KMT is in a process of adjustment before the 2016 elections, but it seems to be moving in the wrong direction.

Time for Taiwan's Opposition to Clarify Its Cross-Strait Policy

Time for Taiwan's Opposition to Clarify Its Cross-Strait Policy

By Lee Shih-Chuan
A nebulous position benefits no one.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Chu-Xi Meeting: Neither Historic Nor Groundbreaking

Chu-Xi Meeting: Neither Historic Nor Groundbreaking

By J. Michael Cole
Don't hold your breath for a "historic" cross-strait breakthrough.

As Tsai Ing-wen Enters Taiwan’s Presidential Race, the China Challenge Looms Large

As Tsai Ing-wen Enters Taiwan’s Presidential Race, the China Challenge Looms Large

By J. Michael Cole
As Tsai Ing-wen gears up to run for Taiwan's presidency, she will have to wrangle with a tough problem: China.
Xi Urges Vigilance Against Taiwan Independence

Xi Urges Vigilance Against Taiwan Independence

By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi denounced Taiwan independence and stressed the importance of the 1992 consensus in a veiled message to Taiwan's DPP.

Washington’s Obsolete Taiwan Policy

Washington’s Obsolete Taiwan Policy

By Michael A. Turton
The approach to Taiwan is strangely at odds with its policy elsewhere in the region.

Aircraft Carriers in the Taiwan Strait

Aircraft Carriers in the Taiwan Strait

By Vasilis Trigkas
Aircraft carriers are a major factor in cross-strait strategic stability.

Two Myths About KMT’s Defeat in Taiwan’s Local Elections

Two Myths About KMT’s Defeat in Taiwan’s Local Elections

By Charles I-hsin Chen
The Kuomintang’s recent drubbing had nothing to do with cross-Strait policies or Hong Kong.
The Fallout From Taiwan's 2014 Elections

The Fallout From Taiwan's 2014 Elections

By Shannon Tiezzi
Alan Romberg discusses Taiwan's 2014 elections and their ramifications for Taiwan and cross-strait relations.

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