
The Risks of Japan’s Aging Democracy
By Xiaochen Su
Does an aging population affect economic policy, and by extension, undermine trust in the democratic political system?

Too Old to Fight? Will Demographic Shifts Alter Asia’s Geostrategic Landscape?
By Robert Farley
The demographic situation in the Asia-Pacific is quite unlike that of any other epoch of geostrategic competition.

Can Asia Escape the Malthusian Trap?
By David Vallance
The region’s governments need to think seriously about developmental and demographic issues as part of their grand strategies.

Why Pakistan's Long-Awaited National Census Matters
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan has had to wait nearly 20 years for a national census.

Is India Considering Allowing Sex-Tests for Fetuses to Counter Sex-Selective Abortions?
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Could a proposal to flip India's ban on testing the sex of fetuses help counter sex-selective abortions?

Could Migrants Rescue Aging Asia?
By Anthony Fensom
Europe is accepting millions. Will Asia's shrinking powers ever follow suit?

Urbanization and Migration in Developing Asia
By Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada
Urbanization is a complex challenge, with implications that are difficult to forecast.
Central Asia: Neither Forever Young Nor Getting Much Older
By Catherine Putz
The median age is about 25 in Central Asia, but those who set policies are decidedly older and less reform-inclined.

Asia’s Complacency Trap
By Anthony Fensom
Advanced economies are threatened by a “high income trap.”

Asia’s Faltering ‘Womenomics’
By Anthony Fensom
The region has made little headway in achieving gender equality.

East Asia’s Future: Extinction?
By Anthony Fensom
Recent reports highlight the dire demographic outlook for the region.

Interview: Naoyuki Yoshino
By Clint Richards
The Diplomat speaks with Dr. Naoyuki Yoshino on the future of Japan and East Asia’s economic growth.
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