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What Happens When China Goes "Gray"?
Developed economies are beginning to struggle with aging populations and more retirees. China may soon join them.

South Korea’s Presidential Election: Formula for Victory
South Korea’s Presidential Election on Wednesday will turn on three factors, says Scott A. Snyder: which side unifies its base, demographics, and voter turnout.

The Pointless Debate Over Japan's Decline
Talk of Japanese decline sheds little light on the strengths and weaknesses of the country– or how its problems can be solved.

Demographics Is Not Destiny
Who will win the Sino-Indian great game? There are plenty of important factors, but is demographics one of them?

Fixing Japan’s Fiscal Mess
Massively indebted, Japan needs new funds to pay for recovery efforts and kick-start its economy. It’s time to be innovative.

India’s Population Time Bomb
By Shreyasi Singh
High fertility rates risk turning India’s demographic dividend into a demographic disaster, reports Shreyasi Singh from New Delhi.
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