
Brides Too Soon: The Rising Trend of Early Marriages in Uzbekistan
By Niginakhon Saida
Early marriages are on the rise, primarily driven by a growing scarcity of eligible brides.

Will Vietnam Grow Old Before it Gets Rich?
By David Hutt
A closer look at the country’s aging population and what that means.

Why Pakistan's Long-Awaited National Census Matters
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan has had to wait nearly 20 years for a national census.

China’s Worst Disaster
By Mei Fong
"It’s hard to reverse 30-plus years of ceaseless propaganda promoting the one-child family as the ideal."

It's Official: Japan's Population Is Still Declining
By Ankit Panda
Since 2010, nearly one million Japanese have vanished. How can the government stop population decline?

The Answer to Japan's Economic Growth Mystery
By Ankit Panda
Japan has a serious fundamental economic problem that Abenomics alone can't fix.

China Announces Limited Hukou Reform
By Ankit Panda
China's government is reforming its hukou permit system in an "orderly" manner.

Why Japan Isn’t Back
By Zachary Keck
Population decline will limit Tokyo’s ability to be a major power in the decades ahead.
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