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Can China Manage Its Economy?
By John D. Van Fleet
John D. Van Fleet thinks so, arguing that while the risks are real, some of the claims made by sceptics are suspect.
Growing Pains
Dubbed the ‘Dreamhub’, Seoul’s massive international business district project is meant to be the jewel in the crown of the city’s redevelopment efforts. But as Ben Hancock reports, the plan’s grandeur belies a deep conflict over the future of the city and its residents.
Don’t Put Your House on it
By Jeremy Thompson
What happens if Australia's property market goes in a similar direction to that of the United States and, increasingly, the United Kingdom? The implications for the American and British banking systems have been far reaching with both economies in, or teetering on the edge of, recession. Will similar problems start to beset the Australian banking system and, by extension, the Australian economy?
China in Latin America
China’s growing influence on international affairs is nowhere more evident than in Latin America, a region pejoratively regarded as the ‘backyard’ of the United States.
China's Cambodian Hegemony
Pushing the long grass aside, Phorn pointed to a marker stone. ‘The Chinese workers came and put this here,’ he said.
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