
US Intermediate-Range Missiles in East Asia: Critical Deterrent or Needless Provocation?
By Steven Stashwick
It isn’t clear that the United States necessarily needs land-based intermediate missiles to achieve the missions they are envisioned for.

China’s South China Sea Anti-Ship Missile Tests Up the Stakes
By Ankit Panda
The tests send a sharp message to the United States Navy.

Russia Inducts Its Own ‘Carrier Killer’ Missile, and It's More Dangerous than China’s
By Abraham Ait
How the Kh-47M2 can drastically alter the balance of power in the Pacific.

Revealed: The Details of China's Latest Hit-To-Kill Interceptor Test
By Ankit Panda
The DN-3 is back in action.

China’s Drone-Missile Hybrid: The Next Step in Naval Drone Warfare
By Tobias Burgers & Scott N. Romaniuk
Is this the next “carrier killer” in China's arsenal?

China Tests New Missile Close to Korean Peninsula
By Franz-Stefan Gady
China has purportedly conducted a number of missile tests in the Bohai Sea close to the Korean Peninsula.

Wondering Why China Held Its Parade? Here Are 5 Things Beijing Accomplished.
By Dingding Chen
There are both internal and external benefits of the military parade, despite some international concerns.

China Secretly Sold Saudi Arabia DF-21 Missiles With CIA Approval
By Zachary Keck
The CIA secretly approved of China selling Saudi Arabia advanced missiles.

China Can Attack Taiwan By 2020, Taipei Says
A new report by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense paints a dark picture of the military balance in the strait.

Aircraft Carriers: R.I.P?
The Diplomat’s Robert Farley brings us the latest on this popular debate.

Did China Test its "Carrier-Killer?"
Unconfirmed reports suggest China may have recently tested its DF-21D ASBM, with DOD making an interesting declaration.
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