

Did China Start Testing Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles Into the South China Sea?

Did China Start Testing Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles Into the South China Sea?

By Ankit Panda
The tests would mark the first activity of their kind in the South China Sea.
Is North Korea Working Toward a 'Carrier-Killer' Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile?

Is North Korea Working Toward a 'Carrier-Killer' Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile?

By Ankit Panda
Say hello to the KN-17.

Keeping China’s Aircraft Carriers in Perspective

Keeping China’s Aircraft Carriers in Perspective

By Eric Gomez
China’s investment in aircraft carriers will take a great deal of time and money to reach its full potential.

New Equations in the Asia-Pacific as China Arrives as Military Power

New Equations in the Asia-Pacific as China Arrives as Military Power

By Harsh V. Pant
China's expanding and modernizing military power could change everything in Asia.

Cruise Missiles: China’s Real ‘Carrier Killer’

Cruise Missiles: China’s Real ‘Carrier Killer’

By Zachary Keck
U.S. military analysts warn of the growing threat Chinese cruise missiles pose to the U.S. in the Asia-Pacific region
Twilight of the Aircraft Carrier?

Twilight of the Aircraft Carrier?

By James R. Holmes
Past fears that carriers were vulnerable to new technologies weren’t proven right… nor were they proven wrong.

Reality Check: US Naval Primacy Is Not Guaranteed

Reality Check: US Naval Primacy Is Not Guaranteed

By James R. Holmes
If the U.S. Navy wants to continue controlling the seas, it may have to fight.
How A2/AD Can Defeat China

How A2/AD Can Defeat China

A new report by the Rand Corporation calls for turning China’s A2/AD strategy on its head.

Lifting the Veil on China’s “Carrier-Killer”

Lifting the Veil on China’s “Carrier-Killer”

A new report traces the DF-21D’s origins, developments and possible uses in combat conditions.

Drone Warfare Version 2.0: Great Power Edition

Drone Warfare Version 2.0: Great Power Edition

So far drones have been used to target terrorists, but the era of great power drone warfare is quickly taking shape.

AirSea Battle, A2/AD and the Offense-Defense Balance

AirSea Battle, A2/AD and the Offense-Defense Balance

Do AirSea Battle and A2/AD make the U.S.-China military balance more or less stable?

Why China May Limit “Carrier-Killer’s” Range

Why China May Limit “Carrier-Killer’s” Range

Even if China’s technically capable of expanding the DF-21D ABSM’s range, its foreign policy goals might dictate restraint.

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