
Making Smart Sanctions Smarter
By Brittney Lenard
Sanctions can be a powerful tool, provided there is thought applied to their implementation and scope.

India’s Newfound Spine in Dealing with China
By Harsh V. Pant
In China, Narendra Modi broke a longstanding trend of Indian leaders telling the Chinese what they want to hear.

The United States Shouldn't Invite China to RIMPAC 2016 (With a Catch)
By Ankit Panda
Washington should start imposing costs on Beijing for its behavior.

Why China's South China Sea Diplomacy Will Frustrate Claimants
By Robert Farley
International frustration over outcomes in the South China Sea is a fine outcome for China.

Why Tehran Loves Iran Hawks
By Zachary Keck
However well-intentioned, Iran hawks in the U.S. threaten to advance Tehran's nuclear agenda.

Linking U.S. Statecraft to Grand Strategy
By Julianne Smith & Jacob Stokes
U.S. statecraft must overcome six major challenges if America is to be successful abroad.

How Japan and North Korea ‘Use’ Each Other
By Zachary Keck
Both North Korean and Japan use each other primarily to posture towards third parties.

China and Japan Seek Detente?
By Zachary Keck
All signs suggest that China and Japan are quietly trying to improve ties.

The Dangers of Excluding Iran From Geneva II
By Zachary Keck
By not inviting Iran to the Syria summit, the UN has guaranteed Tehran will have not stake in its outcome.

Why China Can’t Rise Quietly
By James R. Holmes
China wants to achieve its goals short of war while reaping the propaganda harvest it would get from war.

John Kerry to Visit Vietnam and the Philippines This Week
By Zachary Keck
Following a quick trip to the Middle East, Kerry will visit the two Southeast Asian countries through next week.

Wanted: US Ambassador To China
As Gary Locke steps down, it’s time to think about what the U.S. needs from its next ambassador to China.