
China’s Chilling Cognitive Warfare Plans
By IIDA Masafumi
War is entering a new, and very frightening, domain.

Banning TikTok Won’t Solve the US Social Media Problem
By Matt Dagher-Margosian
While the Biden administration seeks to aggressively regulate TikTok, it has given up attempting to control disinformation on domestic social media companies.

In Taiwan, Battling Fake News One Conversation at a Time — With a Focus on Seniors
By Huizhong Wu
Fake News Cleaner has hosted more than 500 events in six years, connecting with college students, elementary-school children, and the seniors that, some say, are the most vulnerable to disinformation.

Artificial Intelligence, Disinformation, and the 2024 Indonesian Elections
By Nuurrianti Jalli
With the world at a technological watershed, Indonesia needs to develop mechanisms to guard against the manipulation of AI for political purposes.

Emulating Russia, China Is Improving Its Ability to Operate in the Gray Zone
By Colin P. Clarke
Chinese disinformation efforts have advanced far beyond mere troll farms and online bot armies recycling conspiracy theories on social media.

Deepfakes and Disinformation Pose a Growing Threat in Asia
By Dymples Leong
The growing commercialization of deepfakes will bring new challenges to the Asia-Pacific’s information space.

Disinformation Poses a Grave Threat to Democracy in the Philippines
By Mu Sochua
The return of the Philippine's once-disgraced Marcos clan has been aided by a flood of coordinated online manipulation.

Melbourne Protests and the Disinformation Wars in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
The violent protests prove that Australia shouldn’t be complacent about the effect of misinformation and disinformation on the country’s social stability.

From Ethnic Nationalism to Social Media: How North Korea Leverages Its Soft Power Abroad
By Jason Bartlett
Kim Jong Un recently instructed the country’s propagandists to improve overseas messaging efforts.

Faith in Fakes: What a ‘Khamenei Tweet’ About Trump Actually Tells Us
By Abhijnan Rej
To understand the disinformation epidemic, start with the late Umberto Eco’s novels

Are We Fighting the Last Infowar?
By Jacob Parakilas
A narrow focus on the style of disinformation used in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign risks overlooking other potential threats.

Welcome to the New Era of Chinese Government Disinformation
By Sarah Cook
The coronavirus fallout is hastening Beijing’s shift toward covert, Russian-style tactics.
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