Donald Trump
Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses
By Naz El-Khatib and Ashley Wood
Trump’s obsession with “strength” at the expense of human rights has been a defining feature of his views on China.
Little Sign of Progress in US-North Korea Talks
By Atsuhito Isozaki
The chances of an agreement appear to be receding.
Has Japan Lost Out in the Partial US-Japan Trade Deal?
By Thisanka Siripala
With details of the U.S.- Japan trade emerging, has the Abe administration sold out the Japanese farming sector?
What the Trump Impeachment Inquiry Means for Negotiations with North Korea
By Troy Stangarone
Other presidents have conducted foreign policy as usual while under the cloud of impeachment, but will it be the same with Trump?
The Trump Administration Needs Policies to Match its Xinjiang Criticism
By Lucille Greer
China is capitalizing on global apathy toward anti-Muslim bigotry led by the president of the United States.
Assessing Trump’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, 2 Years In
By Elliot Silverberg and Matthew Sullivan
How has the implementation of Trump’s free and open Indo-Pacific strategy played out so far?
In Afghanistan, the War Goes On
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
After 18 years, the United States is still entangled in war in Afghanistan.
US Exit from Afghanistan: The Pakistan Factor
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from M. Nazif Shahrani
Trump's US-Taliban Move Pushes Afghans Toward Fragile Vote
By Cara Anna
The September 28 election couldn’t happen at a more difficult time.
Trump Announces Cancellation of Secret Camp David Summit With Taliban After Kabul Attack
By Ankit Panda
The surprise announcement came on Saturday night.
US Withdrawal From Afghanistan: Close to a Deal?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
What lies ahead for Afghanistan?
Trump: US to Keep 8,600 Troops in Afghanistan After Deal With Taliban
By Ankit Panda
The count would put U.S. force levels at 200 over where they were when Obama left office.