
Donald Trump

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US Should Prioritize a Peace Agreement With North Korea

US Should Prioritize a Peace Agreement With North Korea

By Brad Stapleton
Washington and Pyongyang remain at loggerheads over which should come first: denuclearization or a peace agreement.
Pushback: America’s New China Strategy

Pushback: America’s New China Strategy

By Robert Sutter
A situation report from Washington assessing the U.S. whole of government opposition to China’s challenges.

The Common Goal of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping: ‘Drain The Swamp’

The Common Goal of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping: ‘Drain The Swamp’

By Bonnie Girard
Could an anti-corruption mission provide the common ground Trump and Xi need to break the trade deadlock?

Trumping Asia

Trumping Asia

By Abigail Grace
Nearly halfway through his term, what does President Trump’s Asia policy look like?

US Commerce Secretary Praises Uzbekistan's Progress

US Commerce Secretary Praises Uzbekistan's Progress

By Catherine Putz
Secretary Wilbur Ross praised Uzbekistan's “democratic reforms,” but what he really meant was economic reforms.
How Vietnam Benefits From US Strategy in the South China Sea

How Vietnam Benefits From US Strategy in the South China Sea

By Gary Sands
The Trump administration’s free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy is quickly gaining more definition.

The Weaponization of Airspace

The Weaponization of Airspace

By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Sovereignty and Disorder from Above
The Risks of Kim's Diplomatic Double Game

The Risks of Kim's Diplomatic Double Game

By Magnus Lundström
Increased tensions in the South China Sea heightens the risks of Kim Jong Un’s diplomatic double game.

US-North Korea: Talking Is Our Only Chance at Peace

US-North Korea: Talking Is Our Only Chance at Peace

By Bonnie Kristian
The United States must commit to diplomacy with North Korea -- even in the face of setbacks.

The Truth About KORUS and Jobs

The Truth About KORUS and Jobs

By Phil Eskeland
Far from a “horrible deal,” KORUS has worked quite well for the United States.

The US-China Trade War Has No Winners—Yet

The US-China Trade War Has No Winners—Yet

By Dingding Chen
Neither the United States nor China is winning right now and the trade war will be a long one.
Reviewing the Fifth Inter-Korean Summit: Denuclearization, Military CBMs, and More

Reviewing the Fifth Inter-Korean Summit: Denuclearization, Military CBMs, and More

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
How long can Moon Jae-in keep the U.S.-North Korea diplomatic process on track?

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