
Donald Trump

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$1 Billion For THAAD? Trump Chips Away at the US-South Korea Alliance

$1 Billion For THAAD? Trump Chips Away at the US-South Korea Alliance

By Ankit Panda
Slowly but surely, Trump chips away at the foundations for reassurance in the U.S.-South Korea alliance.
Watch Out for the Blowback of Secondary Sanctions on North Korea

Watch Out for the Blowback of Secondary Sanctions on North Korea

By Aaron Arnold
Why would secondary sanctions against North Korea be any different from secondary sanctions against Iran?

China, Russia, and the Long ‘Unipolar Moment’ Revisited

China, Russia, and the Long ‘Unipolar Moment’ Revisited

By Nathan A. Sears
A year later, does the argument of reinforced U.S. hegemony hold up?

Are the US and North Korea Heading for Conflict?

Are the US and North Korea Heading for Conflict?

By Bruce Harrison
Pyongyang historically has taken an offensive posture, refusing to "sit with folded arms" when provoked.

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
The long-run impact of the Trump administration’s policies toward the region are unclear.
US Implementation of 'Major Defense Partner' Perks for India Underway

US Implementation of 'Major Defense Partner' Perks for India Underway

By Ankit Panda
The Obama administration's 'Major Defense Partner' designation for India is paying dividends.

Trump: China Is Not a Currency Manipulator

Trump: China Is Not a Currency Manipulator

By Ankit Panda
Trump changes his mind about the wisdom of declaring China a currency manipulator.
Myanmar's Forgotten Refugees

Myanmar's Forgotten Refugees

By Libby Hogan
Overshadowed by other crises around the world, 100,000 refugees are stranded in camps along the Thai-Myanmar border.

How Trump Is Connected to a Kazakh Corruption Scandal

How Trump Is Connected to a Kazakh Corruption Scandal

By Casey Michel
The city of Almaty says former mayor Viktor Khrapunov stole millions and invested via shell companies in U.S. real estate.

What’s on the Agenda for the Trump-Xi Meeting?

What’s on the Agenda for the Trump-Xi Meeting?

By Shannon Tiezzi
To no one's surprise, trade and North Korea top the list. What else will make it into the conversations?

Earth to Trump: Needed, an East Asia Policy

Earth to Trump: Needed, an East Asia Policy

By Amitai Etzioni
Tough talk alone is not going to be helpful with North Korea.
Trump's New Trade Executive Order Portends Difficult Times Ahead for US Relationships in Asia

Trump's New Trade Executive Order Portends Difficult Times Ahead for US Relationships in Asia

By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration's campaign against trade deficits will potentially lead to strained relationships.

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