
How Obama Got North Korea Wrong
Instead of doubling down on a failed policy, Obama should have adopted a tougher approach towards Pyongyang.

Shining a Light on North Korea's Human Rights Crisis
More must be done to stop human rights atrocities in North Korea notes Robert Park.

Sun Zhengcai, A Rising Star
The Diplomat’s Zachary Keck profiles one of China’s potential 6th generation leaders.

South Korea: Asia's Other Rising Naval Power
The attention given to China and Japan’s navies overlooks the emergence of a new maritime power.

Book Review- The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future
Despite some limitations, Victor Cha provides the most comprehensive and current book on this paradoxical state.

North Korea’s Six Trillion Dollar Question
North Korea holds trillions of dollars in mineral resources. Unless it reforms its economy, it may never see much benefit.

The Dandong Time Machine
A Chinese village on the North Korean border offers an alternative view on the meaning of Kim Jong-il’s death.