

New Highs in Narcotics From Myanmar Flooding Assam

New Highs in Narcotics From Myanmar Flooding Assam

By Rajeev Bhattacharya
Brown sugar, Heroin no 4 and Yaba top the narcotics flowing into India from Myanmar

Why Malaysia’s New Proposal Could Change Southeast Asia’s Drugs Debate

Why Malaysia’s New Proposal Could Change Southeast Asia’s Drugs Debate

By Preeti Jha
A move to decriminalize personal drug use and possession could help to shift the regional discourse on drugs.
Yaba: The Red Pills and the Rohingya

Yaba: The Red Pills and the Rohingya

By Siddharthya Roy
Bangladesh’s cities are awash with red methamphetamine pills that come in from Myanmar.

An Ex-Addict’s Journey from Bhutanese Prison to Thai Kitchen

An Ex-Addict’s Journey from Bhutanese Prison to Thai Kitchen

By Sonam Yangchen, Chencho Dema and Vishal Arora
One step at a time.

Rising Outrage Over Duterte’s War on Drugs in the Philippines

Rising Outrage Over Duterte’s War on Drugs in the Philippines

By Mong Palatino
A reported surge of extrajudicial killings victimizing children has exacerbated concerns about the campaign.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

“Deep Web” Drug Peddling Site Atlantis Begins Advertising Push

“Deep Web” Drug Peddling Site Atlantis Begins Advertising Push

Website offers illegal drugs online, promises “no fees, next day delivery.”

A New Player in the Narcotics Trade

A New Player in the Narcotics Trade

Indonesia’s National Narcotics Agency is concerned Iranian drug syndicates are using asylum seekers as smugglers.

The New War on Drugs: ASEAN Style

The New War on Drugs: ASEAN Style

By Tom Fawthrop
ASEAN nations are stepping up their fight against illegal drugs as other parts of the world are taking a much different approach.

Laos’ Murky War on Drugs

Laos’ Murky War on Drugs

Laos has vowed to be drug free by 2015. But the Somsanga ‘treatment centre’ offers a glimpse into a world of abuse, beatings and suicide.

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