Durand Line

Pakistan’s TTP Challenge and Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations
By Nazir Ahmad Mir
The Taliban have proved unresponsive to Pakistan's security concerns, resulting in mounting tensions between the two.

Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban: Friends Becoming Foes
By Arsalan Bilal
At first, a Taliban victory in Afghanistan was considered synonymous with Pakistan’s victory. But disappointed hopes on both sides now have the neighbors at loggerheads.

Pakistan’s Scramble for a Peaceful and Stable Afghanistan
By Mohammad Ali Zafar
The country's initial euphoria at the Taliban victory has given way to concern as several troubling developments threaten its regional interests.

Pakistan Warns Afghanistan Not to Shelter Militants
By Kathy Gannon
Militant attacks in Pakistan have grown since the Taliban came to power last year.

Afghanistan and Pakistan’s Troubles Won’t End With the Taliban Victory
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The Durand Line continues to bedevil Af-Pak relations. One doesn’t recognize it; the other ignores it when convenient.

Taliban-Pakistan Ties Run Into Trouble
By Umair Jamal
Taliban’s recent confrontation of Pakistan over its fencing of the disputed Durand Line, which Afghanistan does not recognize, has taken many by surprise.

Project Taliban: An Anti-Pashtun Initiative?
By Bilquees Daud
Pashtuns on both sides of the Durand line have been at the receiving end of some of the most grotesque and intense violence by the Taliban.

Will Pakistan's Wall Work?
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Pakistan is building a wall along its border with Afghanistan. Will it actually make the country safer?

After Border Skirmish, Afghanistan and Pakistan Cite Vastly Divergent Casualty Counts
By Ankit Panda
Pakistan claims to have killed 50 Afghan security personnel -- a claim strongly denied by Afghanistan.

'Pashtun Diplomacy' in Afghan Foreign Policy
By Ahmad Bilal Khalil
Historically, Kabul has had many different motives for engaging with Pakistani Pashtuns.

Why Is Pakistan Expelling Afghan Refugees?
By Umair Jamal
The "reverse exodus" of Afghan refugees will destroy another generation of Afghans.

The Torkham Incident: Why Afghanistan and Pakistan Exchanged Fire
By Rohan Joshi
The tensions that led to an explosion of hostilities across the Afghan-Pakistan border have been long simmering.
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