
Duterte war on drugs

In UN Speech, Duterte Promises Accountability for ‘Drug War’ Excesses

In UN Speech, Duterte Promises Accountability for ‘Drug War’ Excesses

By Sebastian Strangio
The promise came a week after the International Criminal Court announced a probe into the violent anti-drug campaign.

Duterte Vs the International Criminal Court

Duterte Vs the International Criminal Court

By Michael Beltran
Can Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte be indicted for "crimes against humanity”? And if so, can he be brought to justice?
5 Years of Duterte: A Calamity Reaching Its Crescendo

5 Years of Duterte: A Calamity Reaching Its Crescendo

By Michael Beltran
The Diplomat spoke with experts, victims, documenters, and communities affected by one of the most polarizing governments in Philippine history.

Duterte Takes Aim at ‘Oligarchs’ in Address to Nation as Philippines’ COVID-19 Cases Rise

Duterte Takes Aim at ‘Oligarchs’ in Address to Nation as Philippines’ COVID-19 Cases Rise

By Nick Aspinwall
The Philippine president threatened to shut down major telecom operators and said Beijing was “in possession” of the South China Sea.

Philippine Drug Enforcement Chief Admits Problems With Duterte’s Drug War

Philippine Drug Enforcement Chief Admits Problems With Duterte’s Drug War

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Recent comments by a law enforcement official once again put the campaign in the spotlight.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How the Philippine Government Gets the Concept of ‘Intervention’ Wrong

How the Philippine Government Gets the Concept of ‘Intervention’ Wrong

By Gemmo Fernandez
Yes, international law proscribes interference in domestic affairs. But the human rights criticisms of the Duterte administration don’t rise to that level.

Does the Philippines’ War on Drugs Amount to Crimes Against Humanity?

Does the Philippines’ War on Drugs Amount to Crimes Against Humanity?

By Adrian Gallagher, Euan Raffle, and Zain Maulana
An examination of the charge and how it would apply in the Philippines.
What Does Duterte’s War on Trillanes Mean for the Philippines?

What Does Duterte’s War on Trillanes Mean for the Philippines?

By Erin Cook
A closer look at an incident that has dominated Manila for weeks.

In Philippine ‘Drug War,’ a Pervading Helplessness

In Philippine ‘Drug War,’ a Pervading Helplessness

By Carlos H. Conde
Victims’ relatives seeking justice hit a brick wall two years on.

What’s Next for the Philippines’ New Police Helicopters?

What’s Next for the Philippines’ New Police Helicopters?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A recent delivery has put the spotlight on the growing role of the police force as well as a capability that has been the subject of recent controversy.

Why Did Duterte Chicken out of the ASEAN-Australia Summit?

Why Did Duterte Chicken out of the ASEAN-Australia Summit?

By Luke Hunt
The strongman is clearly afraid of the scrutiny that might come from making the trip.
Duterte’s Drug War in the Philippines: New Campaign, Old Problems

Duterte’s Drug War in the Philippines: New Campaign, Old Problems

By Mong Palatino
The reloaded war continues to face some familiar challenges.

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