Dwight Eisenhower

The US Pivot to Asia Depends on Peace in Ukraine
By Martijn van Ette and Andrew Gawthorpe
In the 1950s the U.S. carried out a pivot from Asia to Europe – despite the outbreak of the Korean War. Trump can learn from that history.

The Use and Misuse of History: What Should We Learn From the Korean War?
By (Clark) Aoqi Wu
Drawing the wrong lessons from the end of the Korean War hinders a useful assessment of deterrence in the original Cold War.

The US Needs a New Solarium for a New Grand Strategy
By James P. Farwell and Michael Miklaucic
A new grand strategy is desperately needed to meet not only the military threat posed by Russia, but the more comprehensive threat from China.

The Long Road to the Korean War Armistice
By Adam Yang
Amid talk of a peace treaty, a look back at the arduous negotiation process behind the Korean Armistice Agreement.

After Incheon: Containment or Liberation?
By Francis P. Sempa
The famous landing and its aftermath helped guide U.S. foreign policy doctrine in the postwar period.

How Eisenhower Saved Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
Nearly 60 years after his presidency ended, Taiwan still likes Ike. Here's why.

Back to The Future: Republican Foreign Policy and Rebalance
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
How might a Republican White House engage Asia?
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