
East China Sea

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Xi Jinping’s Overlooked Revelation on China’s Maritime Disputes

Xi Jinping’s Overlooked Revelation on China’s Maritime Disputes

Although unnoticed by foreign analysts, Xi Jinping recently signaled a desire to dial back tensions in the South and East China Seas.

Japan’s Grandstanding in the East China Sea

Japan’s Grandstanding in the East China Sea

The Naval Diplomat salutes the nonchalance with which Japan “unveiled” its new carrier-like helicopter destroyer.

The Promise and Peril of China’s New Coast Guard

The Promise and Peril of China’s New Coast Guard

The consolidation of China’s coast guard is widely viewed as positive. Is it really?

America’s “Hidden Hand” in the Proposed Abe-Xi Summit

America’s “Hidden Hand” in the Proposed Abe-Xi Summit

Japan PM Shinzo Abe is calling for a summit with Xi Jinping. Did the US play a role in this?

America’s AirSea Battle vs. China’s A2/AD: Who Wins?

America’s AirSea Battle vs. China’s A2/AD: Who Wins?

Military realities aside, there could be no winners in a clash between China and the U.S.

It’s Military Drill Season in the East China Sea

It’s Military Drill Season in the East China Sea

With diplomacy stalled, nations are turning to military exercises to signal to adversaries.

The Thucydides Trap and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

The Thucydides Trap and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

The decision to nationalize the islands was driven by China’s rise and the fear this sparked in Japan.

Forget Grand Bargains with China

Forget Grand Bargains with China

When it comes to U.S.-China relations, there are advantages to thinking small.

Time for a Chinese Grand Strategy Reset

Time for a Chinese Grand Strategy Reset

China’s long-term interests would be best served by a return to “smile diplomacy.”

Made in China: A US-Japan-Philippines Axis?

Made in China: A US-Japan-Philippines Axis?

Asian states are responding to China’s rise as Realists would expect—by balancing internally and externally.

It’s Official… China's Coming to RIMPAC

It’s Official… China's Coming to RIMPAC

Plus, the US and Japan begin a military drill aimed at retaking islands, despite Beijing’s objections. Monday security links.

Why Japan Should Ignore China’s Okinawa Provocation

Why Japan Should Ignore China’s Okinawa Provocation

Nationalists are seeking leverage for the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute. Japan shouldn’t play into their hands.

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