
East China Sea

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China’s Navy Aims for Transparency

China’s Navy Aims for Transparency

Many have complained China’s military lacks a certain degree of transparency in its operations. That could be changing.

Breaking Down Xi Jinping

Breaking Down Xi Jinping

A recent foreign policy address by China’s new leader has many talking. David Cohen gives us his take.

China's New Militancy

Chinese leaders’ repeated calls for the PLA to be ready to plan, fight, and win wars is an ominous sign.

Asia's Other Island Spat...Between Japan and Russia

Asia's Other Island Spat...Between Japan and Russia

As tensions mount in the East and South China Seas, a dispute over islands between Tokyo and Moscow has also been left unresolved.

Tensions Mount Between Japan and China

Tensions Mount Between Japan and China

With strong words coming from both sides, Tokyo and Beijing’s spat over islands in the E. China Sea drags on.

Japan Explores War Scenarios with China

Japan Explores War Scenarios with China

Japan’s Defense Ministry explores three scenarios in which Tokyo could come to blows with Beijing.

Can Military Diplomacy Keep the Peace in 2013?

Can Military Diplomacy Keep the Peace in 2013?

Military exercises between various powers in the Asia-Pacific has clear — but limited — benefits.

The Commons: Beijing's "Blue National Soil"

The Commons: Beijing's "Blue National Soil"

“The commons must remain the commons, lest the system of liberal trade and commerce collapse…”

China's Maritime Surveillance Fleet Adds Muscle

China's Maritime Surveillance Fleet Adds Muscle

China has added new capabilities that could increase tensions in the East and South China Seas even more.

A Frightening Prospect: War in the East China Sea

A Frightening Prospect: War in the East China Sea

A noted scholar warns of a China – Japan war with the U.S. being dragged in. Is it possible?

China's Other Territorial Dispute: Baekdu Mountain

China's Other Territorial Dispute: Baekdu Mountain

With disputes brewing in the East and South China Seas, there is another piece of territory in Asia that could pose some serious problems…

Taiwan's East China Sea Peace Plan

Taiwan's East China Sea Peace Plan

President Ma has crafted a plan to solve the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands dispute. Could it work?

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